Archimedes the cat in his favourite chair


Theodora the cat 'helping' with paperwork

Dear Visitor

Thankyou for dropping by our spot in cyberspace. Apart from the occasional photo gallery, there's not much to see, as our server exists primarily to host some much more interesting web sites for other people.

If you'd care to come and visit us in person, you'd be more than welcome - bring cat treats to distract the furry members of the household.

We design and/or host web pages in return for supplies of beer and chocolate. If you're interested in web design, best drop us a line... we're paul@ and robin@


Besides our personal webspace, the following worthy organisations reside on this server. Do pay them a visit, they're more interesting than we are :-)

These pages are hosted by Paul and Robin on Apache and are written in PHP, XHTML and CSS. No standards were harmed in the production of these web pages.

Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict!©2009 Paul Millington and Robin Hall